Endorsed by

RUSSOFT Association is a Nation wide Association of the most technically competent software developing companies from Russia. The head-quarters is located in Saint-Petersburg. Today we unite more than 100 companies with 25000+ of highly qualified software engineers with advanced graduate level degrees in Technology & Computer Science. RUSSOFT cooperates with the leading Universities of Russia, which are many times winners of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contests. RUSSOFT software vendors are often rated in the Gartner Magic Quadrants, while our software development service providers are always listed among 100 Global leading outsourcing companies. We maintain the highest level of international standards in professional training, project management, traditional and Agile quality control, whereas our companies are absolute European leaders in CMMi certification (L4,5). Their capabilities have been proven by long term customer relationships with Top Global corporations such as IBM, Boeing, SAP, Procter&Gamble and many others. RUSSOFT Association is the voice of the industry and an active lobbyist in the Russian Government. We are struggling for better taxation, stronger educational systems and for attracting State support to our international marketing.

Association Internet developers (tida) was created for exchange of experience and development of all participants of the market of web development. Currently, the air includes web Studio, software developers, advertising Agency, Agency seo, and many other companies and professionals. Together we make the market of web development in a professional, transparent and open. Join us!

Russian Agency Of The Information Society Development "RARIO"
Created in 2008 in order to stir up the public participation in the processes of building and development of an information society in Russia. RARIO main objectives: support of civil initiatives concerned with information service users, dissemination the best practices of creating information society elements, increasing information literacy and developing the information culture in society.

The Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC)was established in 2006.The Association's objective is to create a civilized information society, which will have its own legal system and the codes of professional activities that are to be accepted by both the users and the companies operating on the Internet.One of the key goals of the Association is to set up a dialogue between the state and the IT-companies.RAEC is actively involved in the solutions of socially important objectives aimed at the development of the information society in Russia and enhancing the image of Russia as of the responsible member of the global information community.

The Association of European Businesses (AEB)
Founded in 1995, the Association of European Businesses (AEB) is an independent non-profit organisation of 550 European and Russian companies. The AEB members are multinational corporations and small and medium-sized businesses. They all share a commitment to strengthening economic ties between the EU and Russia, as well as the desire to improve the investment climate of the Russian Federation.
The AEB contains 65 committees, subcommittees and working groups that are engaged in lobbying for a wide range of issues in various business areas including energy, transport and customs, air travel, legislation, taxation, banking, real estate, the production of crop protection products and many others. These committees work closely with the European and Russian authorities, and provide comments and suggested changes to the draft laws of the Russian Federation.
The AEB provides information support for its members through its website, printed publications, media campaigns, and distributes reviews and releases about the current events in the legal and business fields.

"iTyumen" - is a platform for experience sharing between IT-leaders, focused on the development of information technologies in the region.

Novosibirsk CIO Club
The leading regional community of professionals in the field of information technologies created to discuss the problems facing them, coordination and assist each other.
Club's mission - to promote the professional development of members and members club.
Club goals
- Exchange of views and information on current problems and prospects of the IT industry;
- The account of the quality of suppliers, consultants, developers and hired workers to form independent ratings ("black" and "white" lists);
- Development of recommendations on the interaction of IT departments with the companies-suppliers, consultants, and developers;
- Provide general advice to owners and managers of companies to solve the problems of their companies from the IT professionals;
- Discussion of the problems of management of the IT industry.
Website: http://www.cio-sibir.ru

RISSPA (Russian Information Systems Security Professional Association) was founded in June 2006 under the patronage of (ISC)2.
Main objectives of RISSPA are development of Russian information security professional community, embracing experience and ideas sharing, spreading information security knowledge and increasing the level of professional skills for RISSPA members through webinars and offline seminars.
The Association provides the opportunity of participation in professional seminars for its members, for which CPE (Continued Professional Education Points) can be claimed, valuable to the holders of the (ISC)2 and other international organizations' certifications as confirmation of ongoing education.
RISSPA is a nonprofit Association and membership is free of charge.

The idea of combining the IT managers in the region was born in 2008 and was finally realized in 2012. The club brings together more than 120 IT managers of major companies and organizations in different industries. The Regions Of The Club Yaroslavl, Vologda, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vladimir, Tver, Voronezh, Lipetsk and Ryazan Regions.
The club's mission is improving the competitiveness of the Russian economy at the expense of competent use of Information Technology
Areas of work of the Club:
- Raising the professional level of members of the Club
- Formation of the "right" image of the IT manager
- Professional communication
- Creation of a wide network of personal contacts
Club Website - www.ciocfo.ru